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27th RuchiPratibhaSamman Ceremony

Ruchi Enterprise is a role model for others: Chief Secretary, Odisha, Coveted Ruchi Awards to Dr.Santrupt B. Misra, Arvind Pani and Dr Purna Chandra Mohapatra

Cuttack 6/9/2023 ( Odisha Samachar )- Leading Spice House of Odisha the RuchiFoodlines has created a unique tradition of felicitating the topper students and the blessed talents of the State for the last 27 years.

                    “Focussing on quality and value proposition with innovation, expertise and customer- centricity, Ruchi has supported and contributed substantially for the growth of industries in Odisha; making it thus a business role model for others” opined Sri Pradeep Kumar Jena, Chief Secretary, Odisha inaugurating the 27th edition of RuchiPratibhaSamman Ceremony online as the Chief Guest. Sri Jena added, “RuchiPratibha Foundation has been fulfilling its social responsibility by honouring the talented and deserving genius of the state. It is an inspirational endeavour of RUCHI to felicitate the accomplished personalities of the state throughPujya Puja (worshipping the venerable).”

Chief Speaker of the ceremony, Dr Binay Kumar Dash, eminent missile scientist and Director, DRDO praising the efforts of Ruchi Foundation said that, ” scouting and nurturing talents and bring them to the public glare has become a sublime aim of the Foundation over the years and this has encouraged many to follow the suit.”

“During 1987, India had started to build missiles. But, at present, India has engraved its name in the annals of defence technology by developing Agni missile having a strike range of 5000km with a very high degree of precision.”

Sri SoumendraPriyadarshi, Commissioner, Twin City Police, addressing the august gathering as the Guest of Honour expressed his gratitude to the Ruchi Foundation for inviting him to this unique programme. He tipped the students that one can achieve success if he/she toils hard with grit, resolution and dedication.

PadmashreeDilipTirkey, President, Hockey India being present at the ceremony as the other Guest of Honour urged on to love our mother land and mother- tongue.

“Our deeds should be noble and virtuous at whatever field we may be” expressed Dr Sanjay Kumar Nayak, Vice Chancellor of Ravenshaw University being at the dias as an honourable guest.

On this special occasion, RuchiPratibha Foundation felicitated Sri Santrupta Mishra, Director, Aditya Birla Group with “RuchiDeshaGouravSamman”, Sri ArvindPani, accomplished IT entrepreneur with “RuchiDeshaJyotiSamman”, renowned Gynaecologist Dr Purna Chandra Mohapatra with ” RuchiDeshSevaSamman”. While Odisha IAS topper (2021) Sri JubinMohapatra was conferred with RuchiVidyasagarSamman, ODRAF was conferred with RuchiSevaJyotiSamman. Promising sports personality ChinmayeeBhuyan received RuchiBarabatiKaridaSamman and matriculation topper 2023 Shreyashree Jena and CBSE Odisha topper Nishita Dash received RuchiPratibhaSamman.

Presiding over the event, Dr Sarat Kumar Sahu, Chairman, RuchiPratibha Foundation welcomed all to the function and Sri ArvindSahu, Director, Ruchi read out the annual report of the Foundation. To mark the occasion, a colourful souvenir ” AamaRuchi” (talents special) was inaugurated by the dignitaries and to make the women folk self employed and self reliant, a project named “RuchiDidi” was launched by the Foundation.

While Sri SuvenduBhuyan, vice- president of the Foundation gave vote of thanks, Sri UllashBehura, Chief of White Canvas Event presented the event with Munmun Singh as his co-presenter.

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