Bhubaneswar, 28/7/2023 ( Odisha Samachar )- A work shop on Brood stock Management practices, hatchery techniques of induced breeding and cultural practices of genetically improved variety fish seeds training was imparted by NFFBB scientists to the WSHG’S of Bhubaneswar. The women self help group benificaries were provided by BJP Training Cell together with Ekta Trust. The benificaries were benifited with daily allowances of Rs 300 with free lunch and snax provided by the central government. The meeting was conducted by Dr Manas kumar Sinha, senior scientist and Smriti pati. The coordinator- of BJP training cell Mr Rabi Moharana, sub- coordinator- Diptirekha Pattnaik and Rajendra Das Distributed the certificates to the participants in the third day after the training session.
The main objectives of NFDB-ERC are to maintain the good quality and/ or genetically improved fish broodstock obtained from the research organizations with proper package and management protocols and the multiplication of these Genetically Improved Fish Species (GIFS) broodstock in order to produce breeder seed and to distribute these breeder seed (fry/ fingerlings) to accredited/ networked hatcheries as the source for broodstock for further multiplication and to seed growers to act as the source for fingerlings being supplied to farmers to meet the seed demand from across the states in support of fisheries sector growth.