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ICAR-CIFA Celebrated International Women’s Day

Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar, 12/3/2022 ( Odisha Samachar )-ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar celebrated International Women’s day on 8th March, 2022. In the occasion, Dr (Mrs) Padmini Swain, Director ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack joined as Chief Guest. Dr. Ajit Kumar Mishra, Chief Executive Officer of Western Odisha Development Council graced as Guest of honour. Dr. Saroj Kumar Swain, Director ICAR-CIFA chaired the session. Dr. Kanta Das Mohapatra, Principle Scientist welcomed all the guest and appraised about the year round activities of the women cell of the institute.

Dr. Padmini Swain presented before the audience the need to work towards women specific programmes. He appraised about activities of the NRRI in women empowerment. She has given the example that being women if she can lead the instate, any women can do anything they want to do in their life.

Dr. Ajit Kumar Mishra, gave the example of the Nabarangpur district and the journey of women has taken to bring change in the socio-economic conditions. Nabarangpur is only one district in the state in which population of the women are more than men. Around three lakhs women were organized themselves to create SHG to engage in various economic activities. The district was awarded with many awards like Scotch Award as recognition of such effort. He specially mentioned about the contribution of CIFA in development of the aquaculture value chain the district. From no hatcheries to a self-sufficient seed producing district is a major transformation that has occurred in last three years.

Dr. Saroj Kumar Swain, Director appraised the house about various programmes is being undertaken by the institute in empowerment of the women. Women oriented activities like pearl farming, ornamental fish farming, fish seed rearing, feed making etc are some of the primary focus given by the institute. Through various programmes of institute like NEH, STC, SCCP programmes are contributing in bringing women in to productive mainstream activities. This day is the celebration of the empowerment of the women.

Dr, Nagesh K. Barik, Senior Scientist and PI of Agri-business incubation centre appraise the house about the special efforts are being taken by the institute in development of the women entrepreneurs in the state. In last five years, around thousand farmers were trained to encourage women to participate in the fisheries related business development.

A training programme on entrepreneurship development was organized for women of four districts of Puri, Khordha, Jagatsignpur, Cuttack during the 7-8 march 2022. Around 100 selected women entrepreneurs participated in the programme. The programme provided basic orientation on entrepreneurship in freshwater aquaculture. Various aspects of the entrepreneurship like technology, government support, credit, marketing, packaging, management etc are being taught.

A special session on women empowerment was organized in the afternoon in the eve of International Women’s day on 7th March, 2022. Dr.(Mrs) ItshreePadhee Professor and head Department of Anthropology and PG department of Social work and Dr. Jyotsna Rani Biswal, Consultant Scientist, International Livestock Research Institute, New Delhi graced the occasion as guests. In her address, DrPadhee gave the social background of underdevelopment, oppression and violence against women in the society. She encouraged women to participate in the social and economic development of the state. Dr. Biswal, in her remarkable speech presented an optimistic picture of women in present day society. In last twenty years, many remarkable changes have happened and more so will happen in coming times.

Eight successful women entrepreneurs from various districts like Khordha, Puri were felicitated for their achievement in aquaculture on 8th march, 2022. The activities like pearl farming, integrated farming, biofloc culture, seed rearing are being undertaken by the women with support from CIFA and state government.

During the occasion, women of the institute were felicitated and their contributions recognized.

The regional Centre of CIFA i.eBatinda (Punjab), Kalyani (West Bengal), Vijayawada (Andhra Pradesh), Bangaluru (Karnataka) participated in online mode.

Dr. UtkalLaxmiMohanty, Senior Technical Officer proposed vote of thanks.

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