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Home / Agriculture / Govt Keeps Strict Vigil on Out of State Paddy Vehicles

Govt Keeps Strict Vigil on Out of State Paddy Vehicles

Enforcement teams deployed in each district

Bhubaneswar,17/01/2025( Odisha Samachar / Rajat Mohapatra):Kharif season paddy procurement is underway in the state. The government has taken various steps to bring transparency in the paddy procurement process. Massive awareness is being created so that registered farmers can sell their paddy at the government level. A close watch has also been kept on ensuring that paddy from outside the state is not brought and sold in the state. This system has been tightened especially in the border areas of the state.

For this purpose, 217 enforcement teams have been deployed in all the districts of the state. These team work as per the requirement and prompt action is being taken on complaints related to paddy vehicles from outside the state.  The team keep eye on vehicles coming into our state, especially those carrying paddy from the border states. Teams have been empowered to take immediate action and seize the vehicle if there is any complaint of irregularity. The district collectors of the comcerned districts have issued strict instructions in this regard and have deployed the team as per the requirement. District Civil Supply Officers are also providing all support in this regard.

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