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ICAR-CIFA observes National Fish Farmers’ Day 2023

Bhubaneswar,11/7/2023 ( Odisha Samachar )- ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture observed National Fish Farmers’ Day at its Kausalyaganga campus here on 10th July 2023. The day is observed in remembrance of scientists Dr K H Alikunhi and Dr H L Chaudhuriwho had successfully induced bred one of the carp species on 10th July, 1957.To commemorate  this epoch making discoveryNational Fish Farmers’ Day is observed throughout the country. This discovery had eventually revolutionized the Indian Aquaculture industry.

Dr. N.ThirumalaNaik, IAS, State Mission Director-cum-CEO, Department of Mission Shakti, Odishawas the Chief Guest on this occasion. Dr. Naikin his speech appreciated the institute for the service it is rendering to the nation and exhorted the scientists to develop customized technology packages for women farmers. He urged the farmers and SHG members to organise their production with better efficiency. SHGs has to graduate to thriving enterprises. With over six lakhs SHGs in Odisha and priority leasing of Gram Panchayat tanks given to them, fisheries in Odisha will grow rapidly said Naik.Dr B P Mohanty, ADG, ICARwas the Guest of Honour on this occasion. He stressed on gender mainstreaming in aquaculture. Women need to be actively involved in aquaculture as it supports family’s nutrition as well as economy. Role of fisheries in ensuring household food and nutrition is immense. He called for more representation of women in decision making roles in aquaculture industry.

Earlier, ICAR-CIFA Director Dr Pramoda Kumar Sahoo welcomed the guests and addressed the gathering. The institute has contributed significantly toward development for breeding and culture of economically important fish and shellfish; use of plastics in aquaculture like FRP portable hatchery, feeder;  feeds for different life stages of fish, disease diagnostics kits, improved rohu Jayanti, CIFABROODTM, CIFA GI Scampi, AmrutCatla and other useful technologies for the farmers, said Dr Sahoo.The Institute has developed Matsya Setu app to facilitate virtual learning and it has got a user base of 43000 and its growing. ICAR -CIFA is committed to its stakeholders and is reaching out to them through Flagship Schemes under Government of India.

Over 200 farmers especially farm women, progressive farmers, entrepreneurs, and Govt. officials from Odisha and other parts of the country participated and aquaculture experts of the institute had a detailed discussion on various problems faced by the farmers.Sixteen fish farmers/entrepreneurs from different parts of India were felicitated for their contributions in adopting and promoting ICAR-CIFA technologies across the country. The awardees also shared their experience in fish farming with the audience during Farmers-Scientists interaction held in the afternoon.Four Regional Research Stations of the Institute located at Vijayawada, Bathinda, Rahara and Bengaluru also observed this important day. Three publications of the Institute were also released on the occasion. Dr. G.S.Saha, Principal Scientist, proposed the vote of thanks.

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