Bhubaneswar, 16/1/2023 ( Odisha Samachar )- KrishiVigyan Kendra–Khordha and ICAR- Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA), Bhubaneswar jointly organized an awareness training programme on “Value addition in finger millet”on the eve of celebration of “International Year of Millets-2023”at KVK-Khordha on 13.01.2023.The objective of the training was to aware the farmwomen about the nutritional value of the finger millet and the skill of preparing value added products from it. This programme was supported by DharitriKrushakSanghatan, Rajas, Balipatna Block, Khordha District. Mr. A.K. Dash, Senior Scientist & Head, KVK-Khordha encouraged the participants to cultivate millets and add it in their daily dietary habit. He also assured the women Self Help Groups to provide good quality finger millet seedsand technical guidance on cultivation practices of finger millets for large scale demonstration and production of finger millet from KVK-Khordha& ICAR-CIFA, Bhubaneswar.Mr.Surendra Singh, SMS (Crop production) briefed about the cultivation practices of different types of millets suitable in the agro-climatic condition of Odisha state.Mr. Pratap Chandra Nayak, President,DharitriKrushakSanghatan, Rajas highlighted that millet-based value-added products can be a good venture of income generation among the women Self-Help Groups. He also assured the participants to market their food produce through KrushakSanghathan/ FPOs. Earlier, Dr.HarapriyaNayak, SMS (Home Science) welcomed the delegates and briefed about the nutritional and health benefits of millets.
Value added products from finger millet such as Halwa, Idli, Dosa, Roti, ArishaPitha, Laddu and Mixed Chatua was prepared and demonstrated to the trainees. In this occasion the millet dishes were served to the participants. The literature on different value-added food items from fingermillet was distributed to the trainees. A total of 40 Schedule Caste women from five different Self-Help Groups from Rajas, Balipatnaparticipated in the awareness training programme. Smt. SukantiBehera ACTO (Home Science) proposed vote of thanks.