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Grievance Redressal


Any grievance/comment relating to contant shall be made by the person aggrieved within a reasonable time not exceeding 30(thirty) days from the date of first publish.Your complaint should include the following:

  • the name/title of the broadcast you are complaining about
  • the date of the broadcast / publication and the channel / web portal on which it was broadcast / published.
  • the nature of the complaint, giving reasons
  • your name and contact details  (anonymous complaints will not normally be considered/entertained)
  • First inform Your Grievance to The Publisher Cum Editor Sri Dipti Ranjan Kanungo. Contact No- 9937844332/9178222262 , EMail-  If not satisfied , then end your Grivance to the

Grievance Redressal officer

On any grievance regarding any news item published at the portal,

send your grievance/ complaint to :

Grievance Redressal officer :

Dr. Amarendra Nath Mohanty. Retired Scientist (CIFA).

Parijat Building ,Sri Ram Nagar , Uttara Sasan, Post- Kauslyaganga.Bhubaneswar-751002. Odisha . Mobile : 8249190500  ,E mail :

WJSA through Web Journalists’ Association of India;  GIIT, 1st floor, Parijat Complex, Opposite Punjab & Sindh Bank, Dakbunglow Road, Patna- 800001. (Bihar).