Bhubaneswar,19/02/2025( Odisha Samachar / Rajat Mohapatra )-7th Music and Dance festival “BarnaliMahotsav – 2025” has been held on February 13 and 14 at “Guru KelucharanMohapatraOdissi Research Centre(GKCMORC)”in its premises of the ‘UtkalRangamancha’ auditorium, Bhubaneswarorganized by “Rudrakshya Foundation”.
ThisUtsavwas heldunder the guidance of internationally renowned OdissiDance GuruShriBichitrananda Swain, the founder of “Rudrakshya”. The inaugural event was graced by dignitaries like Dr. SitaKantha Dash, Chairman of Kalinga HospitalLtd.,Bhubaneswar , Mr.RamprasadAkkisetti, Founder and Managing Director of CCBA, Pune and Dr. SnehapravaSamantaray, eminent Guru and former HoD of UtkalSangeetMahavidyalaya, and Central SangeetNatakAkademi Awardee , along with Smt. Sumitra Jena former advisor of the State Women and Child Development Department and renowned social worker.
The dignitariesspoke about the significant contribution of “Rudrakhsya Foundation” in promotion of Odia dance and Culture in State, India and abroad. The guests opined that Guru Sri Swain, founder of Rudrakshya Foundation, has always been a source of inspiration and instrumental for promoting Odissi dance and encouragingartists in this direction.
The first day of the festival was began by Mr. SatyabanSethy and his associates with a musical performance “Malhar” followed by solo Odissi performance by Smt. Minakshi Rani Jena and LipsaSatpathy’sGeetaGobinda, and a Bharatanatyam performance (DashaMahavidya) by SamratDatta and Santanu Roy. Alongwith, the artists of Rudrakshya Foundation presented a group Odissi dance titled ‘Shakya Muni Buddha’ that mesmerized the audience in the auditorium. The inaugural event of the first day was conducted under the supervision of Mr. RohitPradhan, the Secretary of ‘Rudrakshya’ and a skilled percussionist.
In the second and closing day of the BarnaliMahotsav, 16 senior artists of Rudrakshya Foundation presented ‘SamudraManthan’, with overwhelming synchronisation and space management. As per the reviewers and audiences, this performance at 7th Barnali Festival will remain etched in every mind forever.
The episodes like war between Devas and Asuras, churning of Ocean of Milk, pulling of Vasuki coiled around Mandara Hill, Lord Shiva consuming the poison to save the three worlds, Dhanwantari coming out with a pot containing amruta, Lord Vishnu taking the form of Mohini, a beautiful damsel, an asuraSvarbhanu managing to get a portion of amruta and Lord Vishnu cutting off his head with Sudarshan Chakra were portrayed so clearly that the audience didn’t have any difficulties to figure out what was going on in front of them.
They had an engrossing viewing experience. This item was choreographed by Guru Bichitrananda Swain, music composed by Guru Ramahari Das, co-composed by Matruprasad Das and script by Sanskrit scholar PanditNityananda Mishra.
The artists were DushasanSahoo, DebabrataBehera, ManasRanjanSahoo, Santosh Ram, Samir Kumar Panigrahi, Sanjeeb Jena, PrashantKuanr, Biswajit Jena, Basistha Jena, Rosy Swain, T Tulika Reddy, SuchismitaSahoo, LopamudraSahoo, PrahalladSahoo, AvipsaBiswal, Anjali DashandLipsaSatapathy. AvijitBiswal’s light design contributed a lot in creating the moods on the stage. The reviewers and the audience witnessed the programme, the memories of the 7thBarnali Festival will be memorable forever. Er. Dr. SrinivasGhatuary anchored this 2 days cultural festival.