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Home / Agriculture / Dr.HussainRasheed Hassan, Hon’bleMinisterofFisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture,Maldives visited ICAR-CIFA

Dr.HussainRasheed Hassan, Hon’bleMinisterofFisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture,Maldives visited ICAR-CIFA

Bhubaneswar,7/11/2023 ( Odisha Samachar )- Dr.HussainRasheedHassan, Hon’bleMinisterofFisheries, MarineResourcesandAgriculture,Maldives visited ICAR- Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar  along with Mr. AhmedNaasir, Deputy Minister of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture,Maldives on 06th November, 2023.

            Dr. Hussain and Mr. Naasir visited the ICAR-CIFA farm facilities. They have visited the diversifiedFishSpeciesPond, ImprovedRohu(Jayanti) Unit, Catifish Unit, BioflocUnit,FeedMill,Scampi UnitandOrnamentalFishUnit. Dr. Hussain interacted with the scientists of the various units during the visit. The minister appreciated the tremendous efforts of ICAR-CIFA for diversification of freshwater aquaculture in the country. He also applauded for the genetic improvement work carried out by the institute. Dr. Hussain in his address emphasized the application of scientific practices towards sustainable development. He spoke on the climate resilience and advised not to be climate refugee. He applauded the efforts of Indian Government for the flagship developmental program under PMMSY. He acknowledged the contribution of Govt. of India towards maritime and other developments in Maldives. He showered his happiness on the integrated research program of ICAR. EarlierDr. S.S. Giri Director (I/C), gave the brief overview of the institute during the interaction program. He also elaborated about the different research work carried out by the institute. Dr. J.K. Sundaray, Head, FGBD proposed the vote of thanks.

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