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International Webinar Organised on the Motto of Life

Toronto / London / Dubai / Kathmandu / Abu Dhabi / Bengaluru /Bhubaneshwar ,01/06/2021 (Odisha Samachar )-  Caring about others should be the ultimate motto of life, opined by the renowned Spiritual Preacher Swami Sudhananda Saraswati. Helping people and serving humanity pave the way to the bliss in  Life and eternal salvation of the soul, Swamiji added. Addressing an International Webinar jointly organised by Thinkers Club and Worldwide Odia organizations on the topic of “Motto of Life” as Chief Speaker, Shri Saraswati pointed that in case the human being renounces the attachment towards material things like money, matter and might and adheres to selfless service for Mankind and dedicated devotion towards Almighty then the person is definitely destined to experience perpetual pleasure and ethereal peace. Highlighting the widespread destruction and devastation being faced by Human race due to the catastrophe created by Corona Pandemic, Swamiji appealed to people not to get panic, remain cool and calm and adopt the path of ecstasy instead of extravagancy.

Former additional director of Information and Public Relation department of Government of Odisha, Barada Das conducted and coordinated the four hour long Marathon Live Streaming brain storming session. Delivering the welcome address through video conferencing During the Online Meeting the Chairman of World Odisha Society Kishore Dwibedi said that advent of Covid pandemic has completely changed the meaning of life and put question marks on the Value of Life, Practicality of Rebirth and Relevance of Sharing and Caring. The digital control room was ably handled by Bibhu Dutta Mohanty and Nandan Dwibedi. The spiritual discourse was witnessed by thousands of viewers all over the world through social networking sites.

Distinguished dignitaries across the Globe who participated in the Deliberation include Guruma Dr. Arundhati Debi from Cuttack, Siddharth Das from Abu Dhabi, Sanjay Das from Kathmandu, Pitabasha Mishra from Bhubaneswar, Dr. Kalpana Mishra from London, Krupanidhi Biswal from Bhubaneswar, Former Minister Judhisthir Jena from Bhubaneswar, Dr. Adrish Brahmadatt from Thailand , Shantanu Jena from Chennai, Lipsa Pattnaik Mohanty from Ghaziabad, Pritish Dash from Dubai, Manoj Patra from Bengaluru, Vinayak Das from New Delhi, Dr. B.K. Maharana from Mumbai, Pushpanjali Barik from New Delhi, Gitanjali Biswal from Bhubaneswar, Pramod Sutar from New Delhi and Dr. Tanmay Panda from Toronto. Prominent Personalities present during the Virtual Mega Event include Deepak Parida from Amsterdam, Pitambar Barik and Ahalya Barik from Kolkata, Lopita Hota from Mumbai, R.K.Indian from Bhubaneswar, Reeta Patra from New Delhi, Krushna Nayak from Bhubaneswar, Advocate Sasmita Tripathy from New Delhi, Tushar Mishra from Kuwait, Dr. Rabi Narayan Behera from Bhubaneswar and Shrabani Swain from Noida.

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