This March, Entertainment ki seema hogi paar, in Full-On Jr. NTR style. One of the biggest films of Junior NTR’s career, Aravind Sametha, marks the first-time collaboration of Trivikram Srinivas and Jr. NTR. The action-packed masterpiece became a commercial success and won several awards. The chiselled avatar of Jr. NTR as Veera was the major highlight of the film, for which he worked out extensively with international trainer Lloyd Stevens. The movie stars Pooja Hegde as the leading lady in the movie where she plays the role of Veera’s love interest and strength, Aravind. With full-on josh, full-on action and full-on romance, this dhamaakedar entertainer will premiere on &pictures on 11th March at 8 PM.
The story of Aravind Sametha revolves around Veera Raghava, whose life takes an unexpected turn when he is consumed into a quarrel between the two villages. With a decision of starting afresh, Veera moves to Hyderabad. But time and again he comes across complex situations haunted by his past which makes things difficult for him. Later, Veera’s life is transformed when he meets Aravind who helps him rediscover himself.
Get ready to enter the world of Full-On action with the Hindi Television Premiere of Aravind Sametha on 11th March at 8 PM on &pictures.