Guru Randhawa and Neha Kakkar recently took to their Instagram profiles to share a stunning visual of themselves. The teaser image announcing a collaboration between the two drove the internet into a frenzy. It’s now revealed that Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series brings them together for an intense, romantic track titled ‘Aur Pyaar Karna Hai’ composed by Sachet-Parampara.
While Guru Randhawa and Neha Kakkar’s last song ‘Morni Banke’ topped the charts, the two now take on a slow, melodious track penned by Sayeed Qadri, which will treat fans to their electrifying chemistry. Featuring in a video together for the first time, directed by Arvindr Khaira, tells a beautiful story of how love is eternal and stands beside you even during the most challenging times.
Bhushan Kumar presents ‘Aur Pyaar Karna Hai’. Composed by Sachet-Parampara, with lyrics by Sayeed Qadri, this love ballad by Guru Randhawa and Neha Kakkar will be out on T-Series’ YouTube channel on the 3rd March, 2021