Also known as Maghi or Makara Sankranti marks the end of winters and entering the harvest season. On this auspicious day, followers thank the Sun God, also known as Surya Dev by rising early and get ready to welcome the warmer days. The festival which holds relevance in all parts of India is celebrated slightly differently in Maharashtra. Nehha Pendse, the versatile actor soon to be seen as Anita Bhabi in &TV’s Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai shares how this festival has always been close to her heart. The actor comments, “Makar Sankranti takes me back to my childhood days where we often took joy in exchanging sweets with relatives and friends along with saying, ‘til gudghya god-god bola’. In other words, the ladoo made of sesame and jaggery is believed to bring in sweetness and positivity. Another sweet memory related to this festival is gorging on the freshly made Puran polis by my aaji.” She further adds, “The reason we consume the combination of til, jaggery and gram flour during this festival day to keep the body warm and healthy during winters and brings in good luck. On this occasion, I wish everyone a very happy and blissful Makar Sankranti. May this festival fills everyone’s life with bright and happy moments.”
Nehha Pendse will soon make an entry as Anita Bhabi on &TV’s Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, which airs every Monday to Friday at 10.30 pm